Excited About Lunch


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Are you lucky enough to live in or visit one of the most gastronomical cities in the world?
I’m talking about London. Did you have somewhere else in mind?

Does every lunchtime find you scouring the streets for authentic flavours, fresh, innovative ideas and cuisine from corners of the earth that you never knew existed?
Well, you are not alone.

My name is The Editor and I am a food obsessive.

I believe that we were put on this earth to explore, experiment and taste.

I have created this blog to show how London’s lunch trade is thriving and continues to push the boundaries of slow and fast food. Lunch rarely means a cold sandwich and a packet of crisps, unless that really is what floats your boat.

You can propel yourself from an island in the caribbean to an over populated Indian city in no more than two bites. Multiculturalism has allowed us to travel the world in as long as it takes to eat a meal, and never has it tasted so good!

We have it all on our doorstep.

You can help me show readers at home and abroad, how amazing it is to eat out in London by submitting your own reviews to:
Or you can add your opinion on the review, by clicking on the Leave A Comment bubble next to the title.

You’ll find the blog posts on the HOME page.

But there must be Rules!

1) All submissions include where the lunches are bought (also the nearest underground station), a clear picture or video, the price, a review and a rating out of 10. 10 being the equivalent of a Come Dine With Me contestant having Madonna over to sing Karaoke, while serving a lobster and a rack of lamb inside a turkey (don’t scoff. It’ll be the next Christmas trend, I promise you).

2) Lunches are of the gourmet variety. No one wants to see a picture of a Simply Cheese sandwich from Boots.

Achieving A Balance

Being a firm believer in the power of charitable organisations in improving our planet; EAL is proud to sponsor Plan UK and their plight to stop child marriages and support the education of girls, in poor countries.

You too can sponsor a child here: http://www.plan-uk.org/

About Me


I’m a South Londoner born and bred. Food is very much a part of the culture that surrounds me, as I come from a long line of good cooks. I have a very large extended family spread out across the globe and they all believe that health and hospitality begins with a good hearty meal.

I owe my cooking skills to my mother. She is the warmest person I know and that always came through in her cooking.

My obsession with food is borne of a healthy curiosity and a passion for travelling. It has now become second nature to turn every corner in the hope of finding something new.

This is why I love London. There’s always something fabulous around the corner!


5 Responses to "About"

Hello!!! Aaah this is so good, especially loving the Burger and Lobster review – have been tempted to go for so long but now I know I must!

This is definitely something I’ll check back again. Always looking for a tasty place to munch!


Thanks Megan! More tasty joints to come!

Magnificent website. Lots of useful information here. Im sending it to some friends ans also sharing in delicious. And obviously, thanks for your sweat! aaddadeeadek

But a smiling visitor here to share the love , btw outstanding layout. fddadkdeeggd

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